Saturday, September 29, 2018

Platio is a smart banking platform for crypto, fiat, and stock assets.

The winnow of Blockchain advancement has raised or supported the probability to transmute the current mazuma cognate scene by demonstrating a characteristic structure which is more remunerative lucrative, secure, clear and possible, wiping out the astounding impact of wide, cumulated budgetary affiliations. The effect of blockchain on the general budgetary area can't be celebrated, it is conceivably incontrovertibly the most indisputable change that has unfurled in the 21st century. the Platio assemble postulates that automated mazuma can advance toward getting to be standard within the near future. Regardless, we moreover surmise that the standard will simply get a handle on mechanized mazuma when it is essentially more facilely accessible. Without the progression of solid blockchain development, there would be no crypto publicize as we likely are mindful it today. It offers a novel elective strategy for securely trading fiscal assets around the globe, both inside and outside of the present keeping cash establishment.
What is Platio?
Platio is a managing an accounting answer for organizations that need to switch securely among crypto and conventional mazuma. On account of EOS blocking innovation, Platio enables clients to pay compensations and providers in view of what they cull. Platio is sanctioned by the FCA and is headquartered in London. It is a decentralized stage that plays out the elements of the bank (mostly) and which is gone for crypto devotees. The designers of the Platio venture take note of how much the elements of customary banks in adjusting digital currency holders are constrained in the present time. Indeed, surprisingly more dreadful is the way that most banks don't celebrate to furnish their clients with the chance to consummate any tasks identified with the capacity and utilization of digital currency. In result of this, the possibility of creating an undertaking was conceived,
Platio Perspicacious Banking Goal
Platio Perspicacious Banking Ecosystem objective is to profit abroad technique for a portion by growing its utility and game plan of traditional mazuma cognate organizations to the progressed fiscal structures arrange in an ascertained and congenial way.
Platio Keenly intellective Banking Features
Keep crypto, fiat, and stocks in a solitary place
Experience Crypto and fiat with plastic or virtual portion cards
Pay in crypto and fiat utilizing SWIFT/SEPA/OCT
Trade crypto, fiat, and stocks to no cessation inside Platio Ecosystem
Get crypto and fiat by methods for Invoicing and Processing for sodalities and individuals
Trade and exchange on one phase in crypto, fiat, and stocks
Guarantee crypto, fiat, and stocks from flightiness or access mishap perils
Make deals in crypto and fiat utilizing Astute Escrow which settle conflicts between parties
Products & Features
Platio's App will be open on iOS and Android, and an electronic application. Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem will join distinctive things and features that collaborate to give customers a reliable trade process. Platio will tailor its things to the necessities of the two individuals and associations, ensuring that both acknowledge improved receptiveness to executing in advanced types of cash.
Exchange and Brokerage
will be a fundamental bit of the Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem. For Platio this thing won't simply be the instrument for customers to exchange and trade fiat, crypto and stocks, yet moreover the concealed development enabling Platio's diverse things, for instance, Platio portion cards, the Merchant taking care of API, Payments (SWIFT/SEPA/Ripple/OCT) and Asset watch.
Platio Token
The PGAS token is a token of the ERC-20 utility, which is utilized as a method for installment inside the stage. It inclines to be utilized to pay commissions and charges, pay memberships. PGAS will engender income for Platio, on the grounds that every exchange that is executed will engender income from the exchange or membership income.
Token: PGAS
Token Price: 0,20 EUR
Accepted currencies: BTC, BCH, ETH.
Standard Token: ERC20
Soft Cap: 5 000 000 EUR
Hard Cap: 34 500 000 EUR
Token Supplied: 397 500 000 PGAS
Private Pre Sale: 08/20/2018 - 10/7/2018. A custom bonus is provided.
Public Pre Sale: 08/10/2018 - 21/10/2018. Bonus - 10-15%
Open Sale: 10/22/2018 - 11/04/2018. Bonus - 0-8%
For More Information
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Friday, September 28, 2018

Koala platform which is powered by Blockchain technology

The 21st century is one of the prodigiously tremendous things that has never unfurl to mankind since one of the immensely colossal stages that was a presentation with supernaturally delectated the total arrangement of this present age with some staggering highlights which have made our quotidian life action all the more simple and direct for us. with the Koala The strength of engineering and life is enhanced with better administration.
Koala life through the best advancement in the amendment of life and the caliber of decentralization, which is amassed better and preponderant, recollecting the true objective to have the competency to establish the caliber of accessibility between different gregarious affairs on the stage, which can make and vanquish diverse issues in building the caliber conspicuously in the stage, which is better maintained, with blockchain development gives a more sizably voluminous measure of soundness of the stage, and notwithstanding beat the issues inside the framework in a well stage sorted out, and withal the robustness in the supply of a consistently expanding number of paramount worth advantages in the present and later on, with organizations perpetually upgraded and that perpetuate giving a not too deplorable level of focal points,
It is all around framed and better with the koala's life, with an assortment of all around controlled capacities in the life of a koala, the composition of an incontrovertibly scattered system, and a system that can keep up a superior flow of communications and biological systems around the globe. Keep your stage secure to assure personal contentment. This can give an eccentric state of solace for present and future customers or clients. Groups, and engineers. The personal contentment of koalas and the proximity of sodalities will build the notoriety of today and tomorrow.
As one of the essential client impetuses in koala's life, the POV (Proof-Of-Value) acquiescent conspire was embraced. Give and increment the puissance estimation esteem as per the client's different esteem conduct exercises, (for example, genuine name enrollment, consideration enlistment, approbation information, and so forth.), and engender token (KALC) to remunerate the client for
koala life wants to mine through information In the type of fortification clients to direct more lucrative practices, more exhaustive approbation to verify individual data and information, hence bettering develop representations and construct a trust biological system.
Koala life is simply utilized as a phase for information commix. Securing customers can set their own one of kind credit expenses and acquiring totals on the stage, sitting tight for monetary masters to offer inside 24 hours. Each customer's auspicious circumstances and each trade information will be recorded in the blockchain, the data cannot be expunged and debased, the stage is consummately motorized, and the misunderstandings and good peril caused by manual analyzing will be given to give financing and budgetary organization to the holders of automated assets. , an extensive variety of fiscal organizations indemnification, notes and other
financing side: to give home advance and credit-financing organizations, covering more standard trade cash BTC, ETH, EOS, and diverse chains grams cash cognate side: give settled wage, skimming emolument for the mazuma cognate customers, Digital budgetary things, for instance, dissevered setup

About ICO
The beginning of the ICO 03 Sep 2018
ICO Ends on October 15, 2018.
For more information, visit the following link:
Technical documentation: .html # whitepaper
Protective Bonus:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

The dClinic platform provides for a Shared Care model where the patient is at the center of their care

Most focuses and therapeutic workplaces today take after a one-on-one model of calm provider joint effort which puts the provider (clinician) at the point of convergence of a patient's thought. The issue with this model is that it doesn't for each situation prosperously sanction providers to advise with other gregarious bulwark providers and subsequently take after the patient's headway as an eminent part of an extensive shared thought plan. This show is rigid and makes the data storage facilities which obstruct network situated undertakings for positive gregarious bulwark results.
dClinic and its masters, consequent to working for sundry years with providers, regimes additionally, convivial aegis affiliations, optically discern that a more momentous convivial bulwark stage ought to be developed to break down the standard obstacles of one-on-one sodalities realizing quiet data that is not expeditiously shared or open to other thought providers. The dClinic arrange prompts a Shared Care show where the patient is at the point of convergence of their phrenic conception and the phrenic conception is given by designates of consideration partners who could be providers, clinicians, for, affiliations and even relatives.
dClinic is the most forward methodology towards convivial aegis organizations. It is a one stop organize that can get the genuinely paramount transmute the therapeutic administrations part. Through dClinic's stage, an assortment of clinicians, expert centers, parental figures, thought pioneers, and regimes, can coordinate to enable the fulfillment of a patient-centered convivial auspice convey system. The stage, in light of Blockchain development, will be a therapeutic administrations data getting, organization and exchange structure that licenses care providers the best approach to make and track the progression of a patient's thought plan.
Most medicinal accommodations innovation frameworks commence a patient's medicinal accommodations venture from a one-on-one visit to the specialist or a medico's facility where the patient is enrolled into their neighborhood clinical framework, for example, an EMR (Electronic Medicinal Record), PAS (Patient Registration Framework) or GP (General Practice) System. The the truth is that patients are shoppers, and their medicinal accommodations venture customarily includes numerous individuals and administrations, who can't integrate to the medicinal accommodations benefit conveyance process viably on the grounds that the procedures of human accommodations benefit conveyance are broken and divided. Truth be told, it is winding up supplemental perceived that health and imperativeness administrations can likewise postulate an eminent job in patients' gregarious indemnification results. Notwithstanding, in the current conventional medicinal accommodations frameworks, sodalities, people and specialist organizations work in storehouses with divided information around a solitary patient gotten from collaborations aggravated by one-on-one experiences among patients and their consideration suppliers.
Future Aim of dClinic:
• dClinic is making a Healthcare organizations predicated blockchain that will be controlled by DHC.
• To building a solid, overall Healthcare natural network for the general patient or Medico masses with modernized get to. whereby entire patient masses and therapeutic system will utilize to these remarkable favored perspective.
• And in like manner to make a mechanized therapeutic administrations world is discharging its imaginative imperativeness into this impact of incipient Blockchain and AI Technologies and invigorating plans of activity. The dClinic organize joins an entire overall arrangement of restorative organizations and makes them open to everybody.
• dClinic Platform's APP offers a facile to utilize interface that aggregates the organizations of man-made cognizance' diverse illustrative points of interest and avails Human Medicos who are accessible 24 hours out of every day into a lone exceedingly userfriendly application, empowering customers to ask for therapeutic avail with one's favored place and time and likewise follow up on medicines they get and take and offer their prosperity record through blockchain.
Token information and team
The Token deal will commence from August 2018. The assets will be spent on item amelioration (25%), dClinic's utilization (20%), promoting engender and bolster engineers (15%), activities administration (15%), lawful and review (10%), business advancement (10%) and dClinic coins for remunerations to buyers (5%). The group taking a shot at the venture involves people who are specialists in the fields of gregarious indemnification, IT, Blockchain and administration.

More Information Visit The dCLINIC Link:
• Website :
• Whitepaper :–whitepaper–new.pdf
• ANN Thread :
• Facebook :
• Telegram :
• Twitter :
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Libereum will be the first crypto company

The 21st century is one of the astronomically immense things that has never spread out to humankind since one of the tremendous stages that was a presentation with cryptically fascinated the comprehensive network of this present age with some shocking highlights which have made our quotidian life kineticism all the more simple and direct for us Libereum (LIBER) is an ERC20 token orchestrated to make an arrangement of customers in the recreations business, with more categorical insightfulness in regards to football clubs or football clubs as they are kenned in the Coalesced States. The Libereum aggregate is induced that the coalescence of cryptography and football is the resulting stage in the progression of cryptography and blockchain developments.
Libereum (LIBER) is a report of ERC20 that at first will base on building an arrangement of customers in the amusements business, simply more especially, football clubs (or football clubs, as they are penned in the Amalgamated States). We have intentionally optically canvassed and viewed the vicissitude of the Red Bull clubs (RB Leipzig and Red Bull Salzburg) and we surmise that the commix of Libereum with amusements will profit generally.
Soccer is an extensively kenned diversion played by billions of people the world over. It is by a wide edge the most understood diversion on the planet and having billions of people adequately taking an exuberance, and an extensive number of fans the world over, we expect that the coalescence of crypto with football is the accompanying stage in the headway of crypto and Blockchain. development.
As we are arranged in the Netherlands, our standard focus in this underlying fragment of the Libereum mission will be the acquiring of an area football club. To consummate this mission, we have authoritatively settled contacts with parties inclined to place assets into Libereum. Subsequently, we are certain that stage one will be refined despite in the midst of the Pre-ICO arrange.
After Libereum has secured obligation regarding the club, we will dispatch the accompanying stage. Libereum will then be acquainted with fans and sponsor of the club. After the presentation, we will advance in the establishment of Libereum as the fundamental portion decision for tickets, sustenance, and refreshments, bolster groups and everything inside and outside the stadium that we have not verbally expressed yet.
We are exhilarated about our principle objective and genuinely place stock in the accomplishment of Libereum. We postulate that Libereum can conclusively impact the cryptographic fiscal structures to total up.
LIBEREUM intends to be the missing sodality between the "bona fide" world and the cryptographic world. The estimation of enthusiasts is as slippery as the catacomb itself; By commixing these two, we make incontrovertible esteem. You can verbalize that the more Libereum the fans have, the more conspicuous their avail in their club.
In the event that you are needing to get beginning in putting resources into this incipient sodality, you require to make your record by utilizing the "join" get on the site of the sodality and join the game plans. After you authoritatively mandate your electronic mail address, you can utilize the stage. There you will be able to perceive how much tokens you ascertain. You can get the tokens amidst the ('unusual', 'eccentric', 'unorthodox', 'unwanted') game plan.
After the sodality has as of tardy purchased clubs, you can utilize the tokens to purchase tickets and stock from these clubs.
Token Distribution
After the group deal has finished, Libereum will be made accessible for buy at the general market cost through trades. The staying half will be part into various parts to give fans, patrons, accomplices and every other person with the chance to purchase Libereum straightforwardly from the stage. For a superior comprehension of Libereum token circulation, if it's not too much trouble see the accompanying diagram:
For Additional Information About LIBEREUM, please visit the following:
ANN thread:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cryptov8 is a banking platform that aims to bridge the gap between a crypto bank and traditional banking products and services using blockchain technology.

image (2).png
The 21st century is one of the great things that has never transpire to mankind because one of the great platform that was a revelation with mystically enchanted the people of this present generation with some astounding features which have made our quotidian life activity very more facile and simple for us. with the Cryptov8 will turn into an ecumenical player that utilizations blockchain innovation to cross over any barrier amongst crypto banking and conventional keeping mazuma items and administrations. Our objective clients are the current 25m and anticipated 300m-500m future ecumenical individuals from the cryptographic mazuma network in spite of the fact that our administrations will be accessible to all. As of now altogether advanced in the application procedure of turning into a bank, we are all around cutting edge during the time spent making the specialized, business and administrative plan for the bank, to stretch out our span to crypto clients around the world. The essential destinations of Cryptov8 are to make strides:
The Cryptov8 is decentralized keeping mazuma stage that will work with pertinent monetary sodalities to grow w the scope of encryption and be locking facilities that they offer to their customers. By so doing, clients got a remarkable chance to expeditiously and securely get to the required facilities, utilizing the usefulness of this stage.
The CryptoV8 cryptographic mazuma stage is a stage which presents the frequency of computerized managing an account stage and tasks for the users. This empowers and outfitted the client with better practical preserving mazuma exercises. Cryptov8 is decentralized and predicated on the Ethereum build utilizing the ERC 20 hub or rudimentary worldview for clients ease. The cryptov8 makes the solid structure for exchanging activities, special and expedient store of computerized monetary standards
Points of interest of Cryptov8
Moment access to the client's proximate to the home wallet, straightforward establishment, and subsidiary use progressively.
Guarantee and security
The primary rule of the venture program is to ensure and certification the total security of every customer. The preserving mazuma exchange framework expect full straightforwardness of the procedures.
The cost of commission charges is much lower than the present market costs.
The arrangement of rewards and rewards
Every stage customer is a privileged client of the framework. Some portion of the expenses accumulated by the stage is dispersed among all members of the framework.
Accessible data
Advancement and free access to all vital data about the cryptographic mazuma and business around there.
Advancement and ordinant dictation of clients
The undertaking program gives simple access to all preparation materials that can offer avail for every customer, with the assistance of a colossal information base.
The Cryptov8 gives a novel spread of advantages as clients incline to utilize the platform. This set of advantage fundamentals incorporates;
▪ "Simplified between Crypto/Crypto and Crypto/Cash with moment installment and payout" (,2018).
▪"Ecumenical wallet and bound together with a record to hold the more preponderant part of your crypto and non-crypto mazuma cognate assets"(,2018)
▪Person to individual moment exchanges and installments straightforwardly to family, companions or organizations in your contact list utilizing just their portable number or email
▪Debit Card to pay any dealer internationally with crypto or mazuma. The decision is yours
▪Income from Crypto property through consistent and direct access to Crypto Peer to Peer loaning
▪Integrated trade and passage for dynamic exchanges
▪"Traditional bank particular administrations and items for mazuma administration and bank-review security for extortion indemnification, watchword instauration and hacking aversion"(,2018).
Token/ICO Details
Ticker: CRV8
Type: utility token
Token Standard: no
Token Award
in the ETH: 1 token = 0.000265 ETH
Bonus program
Pre-ICO- 33%
ICO period 1- 20%
ICO period 2- 15%
ICO period 3- 10%
ICO period 4 and until the end of the ICO - 5%
Token distribution
75% - token sale
10% -Reserve to maintain liquidity
10% - for the start and deployment team
3% - Bounty Campaign
2% -consultant
More information:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Monday, September 24, 2018

OPP Open WiFi: Internet without borders

OPP Open WiFi: Internet without borders

 in ico •  3 minutes ago
OPP Open WiFi is a service that provides access to the Internet, thanks to millions of smartphone and router owners who are willing to share unused traffic in exchange for tokens.
OPP Open WiFi
The idea of OPP Open WiFi is simple - in the world, billions of people use mobile phones and mobile Internet in particular. Millions of them do not fully use their monthly traffic provided by the operator in the tariff plan. Even more, it concerns the home Internet, which, as a rule, is unlimited in our time.
On the other hand, a lot of people face daily the problem of restricting access to the global network due to the spent traffic or lack of money on the account. Mobile Internet is still not as cheap and available at home. And this is the main problem, which OPP Open WiFi is called upon to solve.
A survey among 100,000 Internet users showed that there is a real need for free and open Wi-Fi. A large number of respondents said that they were in a position where they did not have the opportunity to connect to the Internet. Also, the respondents were outraged by the fact that public WiFi continues to be paid, and 76% are interested in the opportunity to receive money for the transfer of unused traffic.
The vast majority of users do not use all the data allocated to them by their mobile operators or providers and would be very happy to receive payment in exchange for providing access to the network.
Now the Internet becomes more accessible than ever before - some users share unnecessary traffic and earn tokens, thereby returning some of the costs to the Internet. Others - get free access to the network.
How it works?
You decide for yourself the amount of traffic that you are willing to share. After downloading and installing the application, you activate the access point, and the network "OPP OPEN WIFI" becomes available to connect new users in the immediate vicinity. The connection is completely secure for both hosts and users. You can become a host not only from a mobile phone but also through home or office Wi-Fi - the service also supports these types of connection.
To become a host, you need to register and install the application on your smartphone. Or you can order a special router from the official site if you plan to provide access from home, office, or your own cafe. The first 100 thousand devices the company promises to provide for free.
Earnings with OPP Open WiFi
To be eligible for payment, you need to adhere to one main rule - your access point must be active at least one hour a day. You can run several access points - each of them will be paid according to the conditions.
The service seeks to pay enough to allow hosts to cover all or most of their expenses for providers and mobile operators. The owners of the hosts will earn tokens on a daily basis, which can be sold on crypto-exchange exchanges, exchanged for fiat in the internal exchanger of the platform, pay for goods in online stores through the OPP Open WiFi portal. For remuneration in the system is responsible for a smart contract that provides clear, open and honest payments to the platform participants.
If you want to earn more - you can view advertising from sponsors. You tell how many messages you are willing to receive every day, and the service pays you for every advertisement you see. Information about current and forthcoming payments will be processed by a smart contract and stored in the Block Account.
opp open wifi-01
A referral program will also be available. The more your contribution to helping attract new users and the dissemination of information about OPP Open WiFi, the more you can earn. Within 4 years, it is planned to attract and launch 25,000,000 hosts.
May 2019
Launching the ICO site
Launching a marketing campaign
June 2018
Running a token for VIP and founders
Creating a Community in Telegram
Development of existing accounts in social networks
Launching a PR campaign
The announcement of a group of consultants
Running GitHub
Publishing a Smart Contract
Details of the platform prototype
August 2018
Public tokensele
Listing on stock exchanges
Beta test application for smartphones
Development of the user panel
Building contacts with new advertisers
September 2018
Completion of a public token
Distribution of tokens among investors
Release application for smartphones
Sending routers
Beta test in the retail department
October 2018
User panel release
Expanding the command to handle increased traffic
Completion of transactions with pThe conclusion of transactions with advertisers
Running the referral program
Launching a marketing campaign to attract new hosts
Q1 2019
OPP credit card release
25000 hosts in the service
Adding to the user panel the function of fast exchange of tokens
Further expansion of the team to support the community
Continuation of the marketing campaign to attract hosts
November - December 2019
100,000 hosts in the service
Starting an online store
Fully functional user panel
Further expansion of the team to support the community
Expansion of digital marketing
Official resources of the project:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Thursday, September 20, 2018

CINDXblockchain-based multifunctional platform that allow investors to choose a manager for his or her portfolio and securely trade

The assurance of Blockchain change has raised or increment the likelihood to transmute the current mazuma cognate scene by demonstrating a characteristic framework which is more solid, secure, expeditious and sensible, distributing out the surprising consequences of wide, concentrated budgetary establishments. The impact of blockchain on the general cash cognate region can't be overstated, it is possibly unmistakably the most rudimental change that has occurred in the 21st century.Cindex gives a rating system that utilizes the trading history to assure you find the right manager for you. All your organization crypto assets are always secured in your wallet. With decentralization and sharp contracts, you can manage your wallet without trading mazuma to executives. Mazuma cognate masters take an interest to transmute their sodalities to the best market individuals.
CINDX is an endeavor that proposes answers for issues that perpetuate plaguing the crypto asset organization grandstand. The architects of the stage have made a space in which mazuma cognate pros, asset overseers and programming vendors can impart impeccably to fabricate their advantages. Meanwhile, the threats that these individuals face appeared differently in cognition to the standard market tremendously decremented. CINDX outcast organization of mazuma cognate ascendant entities' benefits without giving managers direct access to stores, and gives blockchain-predicated, conspicuous trade history with a rating structure. Along these lines, and sundry distinctive features offered by CINDX, dealers can avail comprehend the veracious to goodness securing competency of their crypto assets, on an ascertained and direct stage.
What marginally issues does CINDX settle for financial specialists?
I have some mazuma to put into the crypto redirection, yet I don't have space plan astute to research and contact capable merchants to manage my portfolio.
CINDX offers access to qualified and endeavored and true overseers CINDX heads are described by their business accomplishment history. Pick the right shipper for you expeditiously
I've for the most part felt ungainly with the likelihood of giving my mazuma to someone else to get an
MVP advantage
On the CINDX organize, your benefits will never leave your wallet Our decentralized system and astute contracts empower your resources to be directed without being traded to another manager
The development incorporating the encryption trade is nothing yet hard to utilize. I can not perceive how to transmute my
MVP fiscal structures
You gain close by the best traders in the market All CINDX mazuma cognate experts have the opportunity to have their benefits managed by the best merchants in the market.
The Cindx depends on varying sorts of features. These features include:
▪Decentralized Node:
The Cindx depends on the decentralized center point. it is arranged thusly to make transparency comprehensive and make a straightforward reach for customers.
The Cindx blockchain center point is proposed to manage multi-reach of exercises continually all around. The Cindx is expeditiously accommodative in nature and makes transparency of dealings multifarious.
▪Blockchain Technological framework:
The Cindx organize depends on the blockchain center point for customer trade prosperity and security. This manufacture utilized by the Cindx makes it straightforward for dealers exercises, for instance, exchanges and mining to be especially ascertained.
▪Flexible trades center point:
The trades on Cindx are made fundamental for customers by methods for its propelled fiat cash exchanges and the other path around facilely by the arrangement engender when all is verbalized in done. This makes it rudimentary for customers to execute with no scarcely restricting structures.

For more information about the project and the ICO, visit the following channels;
ANN Thread:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

CBNT is a decentralized proficient substance sharing network in view of blockchain innovation and a biological community model of DPGC

What is CBNT?
CBNT is a decentralized gifted substance sharing structure in the setting of blockchain change and a trademark framework model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Engendered Content). At the commencement, we will turn around blockchain and capable budgetary theory content. CBNT will make a win-win condition for all individuals, including content/articles providers, content perusers (visual examiner), optically discern distributors, and token holders. In the CBNT gregarious demand, paying little veneration to whether you are content engenderers or substance watchers, the antithesis sides can get tokens "Mining Rewards". As CBNT makes and kineticism fortifies, all the upside of different progressions will correspondingly be appropriated to most of the general population. Advancement in the CBNT society: taking an intrigue is mining;100% advantage exchanging; engineer self-governance emerge; sharpening decentralized self-errand affiliation "accumulate aptitude". All individuals in this prevalent framework can get 100% dissevering rights and reasons for exhilaration, along these lines to achieve a win-win approach to "substance, change, and advancing."
How it will limits?
CBNT remunerates mind-blowing substance makers with more tokens so more individuals commence making emerge and cyclopean substance that will at last guide people to the structure. Steemit has a same scarcely celebrated yet on steam there is no any scarcely incite reimburse top-notch content maker the most. Top notch content makers will influence the monstrous extent of activity that will convey headways veneration. Content makers will commensurably encounter extra purposes of intrigue like paid readings, paid sharing and paid demand and answer sessions. CBNT token notice structure will be conspicuous to all clients to grapple society who are holding the tokes and patrons will be sanctioned to purchase advancements with BTC, ETH and through other advanced financial structures.
CBNT will be worked as a token economy structure that exhaustively consents to the fundamentals of the free market economy; each person who has integrated to others can profit by it financially, ergo managing the join issues looked by the general web content customary systems:
Purposes of exuberance OF CBNT ECOSYSTEM
  1. The heavenly substance will be compensated with more tokens, which earns back the pristine investment with cash cognate preferred standpoint and mirrors the estimation of appearances.
  2. Second, piles of action will instigate astonishing substance and engender publicizing regard.
  3. Content engenderers can visually perceive supplemental points of interest from their particular data through the establishment of paid readings, paid sharing get-togethers and paid Q&As.
  4. The astonishing substance can magnetize more optical canvasser's thought, and watchers can get CBNT tokens by methods for sharing, commenting, and leaning toward et cetera. This makes a positive information hover between content watchers and engenderers.
  1. Content Engenderment
    Content engenderers will be remunerated tokens if perusers like their gainful substance. the higher the substance positions, the more tokens the engenderers will get.
  2. Content Communication
    Watchers can vote on and apportion awe-inspiring articles, and the benefits of these articles will be passed on in perspective of the customer's responsibility weights.
  3. Paid Q&A
    High-regard information squares with the situation in the business world. Sharing vital information to inspectors can bring you more points of interest.
  4. Advancements Monetization
    Transmute the standard advancing model. The marketing expert pays tokens to circulate advancements, and the publicizing charges will be scattered in the perspective of a fan's responsibilities.
As CBNT is a proof of stage organic network, CBNT token holders can acknowledge rights on the stage, akin to wage sharing, supervision, voting et cetera. The total supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be overissued. There are two distinct approaches to get CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to trade from the exchange.
Token Symbol: CBNT
Total Supply: 10 Billion
Token Type: ERC20 Ethereum
Token Distribution

March 2018
CBNT project start-up; preparation for the business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.
Sep. 2018
listing of CBNT Beta version; invite community members to form a beta team and complete a system test.
Oct. 2018
listing CBNT 1.0 version, available for IOS and Android users.
Sep. 2019
Gradually achieve group wisdom decision-making, and establish a self-operated distributed community with ecosystem co-construction, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and in which each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.
For More Information
White Book:
Bounty campaign:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609