Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Time Money will be first decentralized platform for people to meet, provide different services, coaching, consultation or any other help, which is time or task based.

Advances in innovation sustain to affect all territories of our general public, including business. These advances will avail to tackle mundane difficulties and increment our proficiency. Blockchain innovation is the sultry theme right now, generally on the grounds that it's the obnubilated innovation behind bitcoin and different cryptographic forms of mazuma. Blockchain and digital forms of mazuma go together like the Internet and email, yet similarly that you can accomplish more with the Internet than simply send messages, you can accomplish more with blockchain than simply putting away bitcoin. The most facile approach to celebrate of blockchain is as an early marginally database which can't be defiled or traded off. The blockchain itself is circulated over sundry diverse hosts which designates that regardless of whether one rendition of the record is defiled or traded off, alternate cases will stay unaffected. As Blockchain innovation turns out to be more mainstream, a commencement work process robotization innovation was incited - savvy contracts. Time Mazuma will be first decentralized stage for individuals to meet, give distinctive administrations, training, interview or whatever other avails, which is time or assignment predicated.
About Time Money
Time Money stage deal with inward cash TMONEY token. TMONEY token will sanction clients not to rely upon banks or some other mazuma cognate substrate. TMONEY depends on Ethereum convention and will be utilized for all exchanges in Time Mazuma stage. TMONEY token will be controlled by clients, so there won't be any expense for holding TMONEY token. By utilizing our digital mazuma, it will give individuals applicable adaptability to utilize tokens as they operate-pay for administrations of different clients, hold or exchange for other crypto or fiat monetary standards. Since TMONEY is an ERC20 token, at that point it will be anything but arduous to convertible to any very much perceived crypto or fiat mazuma. Time Mazuma stage dispatch is gotten yare for 2019 in Florida, USA and anon thereafter we hope to elongate to different states in the US. We will probably scale Time Money achieve ecumenical with nearby showcasing groups in following years. We hope to wind up productive in the third year. Primary income will originate from stage expense per exchange, which will be 10%, which is not as much as Uber or other on-request economy stages charge.
Our mission
is to avail individuals with converting their chance into cash by doing what they cherish and can do. Not at all like numerous other Blockchain incipient companies, our interior cash TMONEY will be utilized to compute genuine individuals time, which won't lose its pertinency. Time Money will transmute that an interface every one of the general population inside one major stage. Anybody will have the capacity to give his one of a kind range of faculties and avail other individuals and get compensated for the time he spends. Time Money will be scrambled, so clients cull what scarcely administration they require and can give different clients. Time Money will be specialized arrangement, which enables individuals to associate secure and safe on-demand and get quality administration.
Our Vision
for Time Money is to supplant present place of employment frameworks with decentralized on-demand benefit stage around the world, where extraordinary accumulations transpire
The online constant stage for all on-demand administrations which can be computed every moment or assignment bases. All exchanges are composed in Blockchain and work with Perspicacious Contract secure installment framework. All administrations and errands will be commonly recipient, incredible quality and remunerated with TMONEY tokens, which will be inward cryptographic money
TMONEY advanced token is a virtual mazuma, which is orchestrated inside the framework of the Time Mazuma stage as inner currency. The Keenly intellective Contract chain for every exchange will engender TMONEY token. Hence, TMONEY is never 'composed out of nowhere' however are perpetually upheld by different monetary forms. TMONEY tokens are pre-engendered and in restricted amount. TMONEY tokens can be part in 18 decimal digits. Tokens exchange from one client to other, when meeting between two Time Mazuma stage clients transpire. Meeting request pays Meeting supplier for the time spent on meeting or assignment what meeting supplier has done. At first TMONEY coin verbalizes with 1 moment of meeting. Gazing cost of meeting minute 0,00074 ETH. Getting supplier can ask together to 10 TMONEY tokens every moment. This isn't hard coded and can be transmuted when stage pulls in high paid specialists, who move toward becoming Meeting suppliers. Additionally, TMONEY will never be in extreme excess. They are perpetually fortified by different monetary forms as well as by client exercises themselves.TMONEY tokens are not mined by some other organizations or individuals.
For more information
Website : https://tmoney.io/
Whitepaper : https://tmoney.io/tmoneywhitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/tmoneyico
Twitter : https://twitter.com/tmoneyio
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/timemoneyapp/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp3OkbevHzaM_tm-x3gbJIg
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tmoney.io/
Publisher DETAILS
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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