Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Lesfex exchange cryptocurrency is designed to provide innovative but simple trading opportunities for investors at all levels of experience

Lesfex is a CryptoCurrency exchange proposed to give imaginative yet guide trading features to mazuma cognate pros from all levels of comprehension. Lesfex is a phase that will reveal CryptoCurrency, Crypto-trading and Blockchain auspicious circumstances for the general populace through an especially laid out UI and direct crypto-trading development. Lesfex presents a down to earth token, LFX, to fortify all the more clear and more productive exchanges together with facile to utilize mechanical assemblies. The Lesfex stage will empower mazuma cognate ascendant entities to learn pre and post-trade sessions utilizing fundamental concrete markers, data, examination, arrange procedures, and example examination. This inventive method to manage trade is something that isn't right currently found in the present stuffed CryptoCurrency space. Similarly, customers can open first-class features and auspicious position from refunds at different rates and lower trade charges by utilizing the LFX token on the stage. We will probably frame and expand a trading stage that sponsorships both incipient and settled in Cryptocurrencies giving customers an engendering assurance of trading apertures. Customers can purchase these LFX tokens through our Token Sale programs. The following whitepaper will design and elucidate the sodality, LFX token, and why we trust every CryptoCurrency and Blockchain sweetheart/enthusiast should come on board.
The Lesfex organize is a prosperously subsisting CryptoCurrency exchange expected to give essential anyway innovative trading features to mazuma cognate masters from all levels of experience. We will likely manufacture a trading stage that supports both incipient and settled Cryptocurrencies outfitting customers with an engendering assurance of trading apertures. The Lesfex accumulation of specialists is uncommonly concrete in dissevering which dares to welcome to the trading system. Coordinating consistence surveys on all incipient coin dispatches will be our system for ascertaining that our customers have the information they require a secured trading substratum.
What is Lesfex?
Lesfex is a CryptoCurrency exchange proposed to give innovative yet clear trading features to monetary experts from all levels of comprehension. We will probably frame a trading stage that supports both incipient and settled computerized types of Mazuma and outfitting customers with an engendering assurance of trading apertures.
To exhaustively transmute the destiny of mechanized asset exchange trading, we are joining Forex and Blockchain headways to give everyone a prevalent trading experience. Lesfex will be every merchant/mazuma cognate pro's first cull, which will keep up the Lesfex high ground.
Lesfex is a CryptoCurrency trade intended to give rudimental yet imaginative exchanging highlights to financial specialists from all levels of involution. We will probably fabricate an exchanging stage that backings both incipient and entrenched Cryptocurrencies and furnishing clients with a developing tenacity of exchanging apertures.
Token Info
ICO start date: 30 Sep 2018
ICO end date: 30 Nov 2018
Soft stamp: 5,000,000 USD (fiat)
Hard stamp: 50,000,000 USD (fiat)
Ticker: LFX
Type: Utility-token
Receive Payment: BTC, ETH
Tokens for sale: 500,000,000 LFX
Token Prices: 1 LFX = 0.02 USD
Minimum purchase: 50 LFX
Maximum purchases: 1,000,000 LFX
Bonuses and discounts
-30 September - 6 October: Discounts 72%
-7 October - 13 October: 63% discount
  • October 14 - October 20: Discount 54%
    -21 October - October 27: Discount 45%
    -28 November - November 3: Discount 36%
    -4 November - November 10: Discount 27%
    -11 November - 17 November: 8% discount
    -18 November - 24 November: 9% discount
    -25 November - 30 November: Normal price 0.11 USD
For more information:
Linkedin: https : //
Ann Threads:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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