Sunday, July 22, 2018

Autobay is the first ecommerce platform based on the Ethereum blockchain

Bring to your doorstep Autobay the best of its kind, Autobay is the first e-commerce platform predicated on the Ethereum blockchain that sanctions users to sell, buy and auction cars utilizing cryptocurrency as a payment method. Autobody will become the most immensely colossal automotive environment in the world whose main objective is to engender legitimacy to the cryptocurrency market by sanctioning the utilization of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH)andAutobay Tokens (ABX) as a financial Asset to acquire goods.
The Automotive and authentic state are among the industries in the world that engender the most amounts of transactions of FIAT currency a year. When purchasing an incipient conveyance virtually everyone at some point has got to carry FIAT currency in mazuma, either from or to the bank or from their house to the dealership entailing a stressful, insecure process. When purchasing a used car, we realize that the whole industry is predicated on a cash-only selling the policy, engendering a more astronomically immense skeptical during the process. Furthermore, when buying a used car from a private seller, people are coerced to peregrinate to an unknown location, where an unknown seller claims to have the car they operate and make cash transactions in a very uncomfortable situation. Risks such as losing mazuma, getting mugged, payment with fake notes and time loss are a component of the perils involved in cash payments. For the last 100 years, the process of buying a conveyance has been in much part equipollent, and it’s an archaic and insecure process.
Autobay is a decentralized e-commerce platform that sanctions users to promote their conveyances for everyone to optically discern them online allowing users from all over the world to purchase such conveyances utilizing cryptocurrencies as a payment method.Autobay engenders a much simplified, safe experience when buying a conveyance, sanctioning people to buy a car in just 3 facile and safe steps.
Step one, the person has to browse for the car they operate, utilizing filters that truncate their search to a concrete brand, model, year, mileage, price range and location (radius in km).
Step two, when a person finds the car they operate, either incipient or used, they just click in a button that appears in the publication that verbally expresses I’m intrigued, entailing that they are willing to visit the location where the conveyance is, in order to assess the car. By pressing the I’m intrigued button, both parties, seller, and buyer receives each other profile information. In this way, one of the factors engendering dubiousness is diluted given the seller kens who is selling the car and can visually perceive antecedent reviews of other users who have bought from him in the past and private sellers know who to let into their homes.
Step three, and most paramount, when the person has concurred to purchase the conveyance there is no desideratum for cash payments, the only thing the buyer has to do is open the Autobay Decentralized app on their mobile contrivance, enter the“I’m interested” menu, where a listing of all the cars the buyer was intrigued appears, he then probes for the post on the specific car he wishes to buy, and through an embedded wallet in the Dapp, he can engender an advanced deposit or the full payment, culling the cryptocurrency he wishes to play with and by pressing the “Buy” button he createstheSmart Contracting the Ethereum Blockchain that pays for the car.
Autobay will have a scope of conceivable outcomes for its clients, the first being offering and buying autos as said previously, from private proprietors or dealerships. The preferred standpoint dealerships will have when advertising their cars in the Autobay stage is that they will have the devices to sort out and investigate their own market. For example, given the "I'm intrigued" catch will share the profile data between parties, dealerships will have an unmistakable comprehension of the request every last one of their vehicles have, enabling them to change costs, make advancements or promoting plans with a specific end goal to expand their deals and as an outcome advantage the purchaser.
SAFE PAYMENT - Safe secure installment and exchanges between parties.
LOW FEES - Low charges paying with ABX, BTC, and ETH.
UTILITY - Token utilized as an installment for obtaining vehicles and auto posting in internet business stage.
Prizes - Promotions, rebates, and rewards will be granted to clients paying with ABX over other cryptocurrencies.
Client VERIFICATION - User confirmation through online networking, versatile number, client surveys, and so forth.
BETTER USER EXPERIENCE - Stress-free involvement as no money installment is required, simple and straightforward exchanges.
Client REVIEWS - Users will be audited making a superior and reasonable group.
SECURE TRANSACTION - The blockchain guarantees a strong registry for everything about the exchanges.
The Autobay (ABX) Tokens are based on the ERC Standard in light of the Ethereum Blockchain, which permits their reconciliation with virtual wallets, for example, MyEtherWallet. The ABX Token will make a Smart Contract between two gatherings, purchaser and dealer, were it will be expressed the model, year and cost of the auto sold among other data and the tokens will be utilized as an installment technique between parties and additionally an installment strategy for the GAS used to make the pieces in the Ethereum blockchain.
for more Information
ANN Thread:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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