Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hussy taking the world by storm

The 21st century is one of the great thing that have never happen to mankind because one of the great platform that was discovery with mystically enchanted the people of this present generation with some astounding features which have made our quotidian life activity very more facile and simple for us. with the Different gregarious requests have optically discerned prostitution in extensively unconventional ways. In a couple of countries, sex work has been optically discerned as controvertible calling and visually perceived as a jeopardy to the moral codes. On the other hand, in old Greece, prostitutes were an essential bit of religious accommodations. Assorted gregarious perspectives on prostitution pass on a ground-breaking impact concerning licit controls cognate with sex work. In a globalized word, states are more cognate than whenever in perpetual recollection, yet the viewpoints on prostitution and the genuine status vary massively from country to country.
What is Hussy is all about?
Hussy is a decentralized block chain platform engendered to identify the quandaries with execution of sex workers vocation in a culturally stigmatizing environment which can be directly attributed to the discrepancy between the desideratum for privacy and the lack of trustworthiness, utilizing the two most rudimentary innovative vicissitudes in this 21st century, the Blockchain and the cyber world as an ideal implement to abstract this discrepancy by enabling all participants to engage in a paid sex in a safe and trustworthy way while reverencing their desideratum for the privacy without jeopardizing the exposure of their identity. The series of forms of sex workers jobs are as follows:
Houses of ill-repute – substructures categorically committed to prostitution with a more preponderant spotlight on sex in private. Massage parlors are in some cases situated in a urban territories called seedy area of town, authoritatively assigned by experts for lawful and directed exercise of sex-arranged organizations.
Escorts – sex laborers work liberatingly with a more preponderant spotlight on brotherhood and excursions.
an) Out-call – the sexual demonstration may transpire at the customer's living arrangement or a lodging room.
b) In-call – the sexual demonstration transpire at the escort's living arrangement or a lodging room leased for the event by the escort.
Road prostitution – rigorous enactment towards sex laborers or their customers in a few nations precludes sex specialists an ingression to sensible working conditions and are compelled to work straightforwardly on lanes, conventionally in modern or disconnected territories.
Cry the full elucidations
Full criminalization (repeal): This kind of control endeavors to gainsay all exhibits of prostitution by making any commitment in an exchange of sex for mazuma illicit. Invalidation is trademark for the US and most of the underdeveloped countries. Antagonistic to prostitution laws in these countries ascertained that sex workers can't report brutality executed against them to the police, since grumblings starting from censurable parties are not viewed as imperative. Criminalizing prostitution has driven the calling underground and realized awful working conditions for the women included.
Hussy ICO process :
ERC20-compliant contract has been deployed with the following parameters:
Symbol: HUS
Supply: 100,000,000
Decimals: 18
ENS: hussytoken.eth
The token is utilized by accommodation providers for paying of advertising fees to the listing platform. Accommodation providers are competing against each other for clients by bidding fees they are inclined to pay per hour (in our whitepaper referred to as flexible fee schedule). The token is not intended for mediating payments between accommodation providers and clients, which could be relegated as procuring (“pimping”) in many countries. The token is not a portion in the HUSSY O¨U company and does not entitle the token holder to a portion of company’s profits.
HUS tokens are distributed according to their intended use, as shown below:
Tokens distribution.
Intended use Amount
Private tokens sale 10 million HUS
Public tokens sale 50 million HUS
Treasury (reserve) 21 million HUS
Team members + advisory board 13 million HUS
Early adopters 3 million HUS
Bounty program 3 million HUS
For more information visit
Official facebook page:
Official twitter page:
ANN thread:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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