Friday, August 24, 2018

Sidera consolidates the best of two macrocosms, commixing the upheaval of Blockchain innovation with the development of IoT wearable contrivances.

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The bafflingly enchanted the overall public of this present age with some puzzling features which have made our quotidian life development more facile and clear for us. with the Sidera the aggregate, end-to-end respond in due order regarding non-contact retail and motivation behind offer (POS) smartwatches including full-stack reference execution everything being equipollent. It joins a flexible application and motivation behind offer (POS) terminal that is readied and working. These components will be offered generally through open source and open particulars
Introduction Sidera
Sidera is another stage that awards clients at Point of Sale (POS) to utilize PDAs and non-contact cell phones. Sidera is the principle blockchain headway that utilizes the fundamental wearable sticker.
Sidera is a general and wide reaction for non-contact retail and purport behind offer (POS) smartwatches including the full concentration reference execution everything considered. It joins orchestrated and working port terminals and explication behind offer (POS). These components will be offered comprehensively through open source and open particulars.
Sidera will engender ebullience for incipient and old, and moreover of every kind imaginable cryptographic types of mazuma. No other online cryptographic cash exchange can get incipient computerized mazuma customers from this area and in a comparative number, by virtue of our weighty revolve around magnetizing the purchaser feature. On account of future amelioration, we should visually examine some astronomically immense experiences as of October 2017:
  • Bitcoin cost is generally USD 7,800
  • Bitcoin publicize capitalization is around USD 100 billion
  • Trading reiterate is 250,000 times - Trade volume is USD 900 million.
We firmly put stock in the crypto-network as we turned out to be a piece of this family since the commencement of Bitcoin. We require to scale Bitcoin and digital currencies cull conveying this insurgency to the majority, however afore this objective we require to offer back to the network all the esteem we got in these years. We commenced this adventure in 2009 and 2012, when the Progenitors of Sidera found Bitcoin.
The one of a kind innovation of Sedira
Wallet Bitcoin/ERC-20 Your
cash is put away OFF-CHAIN on your wrist, with multi-layer encryption military
Our wrist-to-wrist
innovation Our restrictive innovation enables you to send or get EQS, Bitcoin or some other ERC-20 tokens by betokens of disconnected exchanges from the wrist to wrist.
NFC POS Payments
We manufacture SmartBit contrivances with NFC modules that enable you to spend your mazuma ecumenically in any store.
Portable Notification highlights, auto-distinguish exchange addresses, apparition mode, custom watch faces QR engenderers, value cautions, arrangements and the firmament is the constraint from there!
Safe Burglary System Yourmoney can not be purloined, regardless of whether you lose your BitSmart or private key. We ascertained you with numerous layers of security.
Around the world, multifarious, thoroughly hierarchicalBitSmart is the principal equipment wallet you can bear on your wrist. It is thoroughly decentralized, thoroughly anchored by Blockchain.
Soft cap: $ 1,500,500
Hard stamp: $ 15,000,000
Bekalan Quantity: 51,000,000 EQUOS
Cap Soft: $ 1,500,000
Use to develop SmartBand with ERC-20 Wallet, QR reader and companion applications and basic features.
$ 2,500,000
Accessibility ERC-20-23 MultiCurrency Wallet, converts OFF-CHAIN wrist to wrist. gTLD requires .bitcoin .btc .blockchain domain.
$ 5,000,000
BitBand Wholesale Manufacturer and Distributor. BitWatch development starts with body sensor installation in BitWatch and BitBand. NFC Module and deal with local shops and services for acceptance
$ 10,000,000
Worldwide mass production and distribution
BitWatch, Full Platform and
Right Continum, full DEV head and escort rental to complete
HUGE development and dark .
$ 15,000,000 (hard cap)
Smart Assistant, Hi-Res Camera, PDA Function, Input
geometric birth and face recognition. Carry out health care with the latest
real exchange data with the hospital. Local control center funding will
Analyze data collected anonymously via Blockchain
Sidera device bringing health care system to the level.
Token Allocation
Funds Allocation
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For more information and join SIDERA social
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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