Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Neironix is the first international rating agency of the assessment of investment risks in the blockchain economy

Neironix is an overall aggregator arrange that was made for endeavor chance appraisal in the blockchain economy. The platform ergo doles out evaluations to the endeavors reliant on logical scores result, neuron frameworks, and multidimensional examination of mass data. The stage works for examination and imperils organization, especially for exercises with hoisted measures of impuissance.
What is Neironix?
Neironix is the essential free ecumenical rating office which evaluates adventure risks in blockchain-economy, where adventures are assessed thus subject to the outcome of logical scoring, neural frameworks and the multidimensional examination of the fantastic proportion of data. The stage is for the examination and the going with control of endeavor risks into endeavors with an anomalous state of defenselessness.
The Mission of Neironix
is to be the provider of mazuma cognate and explanatory information concerning crypto advertises far and wide. This kind of information is fundamental for settling on intentionally balanced hypothesis decisions and building whole deal frameworks markets.
Advantages of Neironix
The neironix adventure is exceptional to the extent integrate up to focal points and open entryways for computerized cash publicize player supplementally, has no reciprocals in blockchain publicize.
Historical record
Information transparency
Neironix as an end product
Team uniqueness
Neironix develops standards of cryptocurrency market
Time advance
Online data analysis
Online tracking
Neironix Ecosystem
Neironix Ecosystem relies upon a game plan of mechanical assemblies — surges of substance and information expected for use in undertakings with crypto assets and the decision of ICO adventures for theories. The key target horde of Neironix consolidates private and master budgetary experts, and furthermore cryptographic cash establishments and ICO adventures.
The sum and contentment of information, and moreover the required game plan of culls, are directed by each particular system customer and picked dependent on their own understanding, chance opposition (hazard hunger), the financial breaking point, extraordinary weight, comfort, and potential propitious position. The dissemination of edifying and methodical data is performed erraticism with the picked exact of enrollment charge.
Neironix for ICO
The following Neironix platform functionality is available for ICO projects and blockchain startups:
Venture administration at all phases of the undertaking’s lifecycle;
Examination with other ICO ventures, commensurable regarding usefulness, execution and thought;
Full agenda for ICO arrangement;
ICO scoring;
KYC attestation of venture partners;
ICO blogging on the Neironix stage;
Distribution of official verbal expressions, reports, and task news;
Examination for token offering, admonishments about the stream of assets for authentic token holders;
Investigation for ad sources, the programmed tenacity of locales for a situation.
The Neironix NRX Token
The stage issues their Utility token, NRX, on the Ethereum blockchain stage.
The token can be utilized to buy administration of publicizing and instructive nature, for example, premium posting, coordinate messaging, or re-promoting. The item is yare and the deal commences in around 10 days from the season of going to press.
Neironix NRX Token ICO Details
Parameters Of The ICO
Token: Neironix
Image: NRX
Cost: 1NRC= $0.5
Delicate top: $1.000.000
Hard top: $31.000.000
Monetary forms: ETH, BTC
Integrate up to supply: 140.000.000 NRC
Token Standard: ERC20
Delicate Cap: $1,000,000
Hard Cap: $31,000,000
For More Information About NEIRONIX, Please visit the following:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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