Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wellmee is a mobile application which mentors you in your life according to your specific character and needs

Wellmee is a convenient application which guides you in your life according to your categorical character and needs. In light of automated celebrating, What is Wellmee? the Wellmee application acknowledges what your character is so it enables and connects with you outstandingly. Like this you have your very own application reliably with you, incessantly enhancing your thriving.
What is Wellmee?
Wellmee is a transmuted adaptable application which is relied upon to avail a person in getting together to their pined for desiderata and characters. It is an application subject to man-made mindfulness, the application apperceives what your character is with the target that it will enhearten engages and interfaces with you unorthodoxly. With this application you have your own one of a kind coach dependably with you, continually upgrading your prosperity.

The Problem

People conventionally examine for motivation and challenges and guide and loosen up and fun Dejected workers cost the U.S. itself someplace in the scope of $450 and $550 billion in lost efficacy consistently 7 out of 10 US workers aren’t endeavoring to their most extreme limit 87% of C-Suite ascendant entities visually perceive that pulled back agents are one of the most earnest threats to their business

The Solution

The application dependent on AI and machine learning Just private — no relational sodality, utilizing Wellmee database Fortified up by critical examinations on positive mind inquire about Ameliorates the responsibility of delegates From customer side to amass a vigorous workplace prosperity organic network where chiefs can recompense agents with regarded Wellmee tokens

Why Wellmee?

Wellmee is exceptional. From one point of view, it brings a convenient application which has the hope to overhaul the success of every single customer. On the other hand, it makes an exceptional natural framework for supervisors and agents. Together with Wellmee tokens, it makes it doable for administrators to compensate the delegates who use Wellmee application because a more euphoric individual shows better results at work moreover.
ICO/Token Information
Start: 1st of November at 2pm GMT
End: 30th of November at 1:59pm GMT
Soft cap: $ 7.5m
Hard cap: $ 25m
Token Wellmee (WLME)
Exchange rate: 1WLME = 0.05 USD
Platform: Stellar
Wellmee (WLME) token
For more information
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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