Sunday, September 2, 2018

AgentMile is the world's first decentralized commercial real estate leasing platform powered by AI

Hi, Great individuals, I require to acquaint with you a standout amongst the most compelling stages called Agent Mile. The AgentMile is the primary decentralized CRE renting stage controlled by man-made reasoning (AI). intends to transmute this $3385 trillion... We have apperceived a commix of vigorous programming highlights fortified by blockchain innovation just like the most productive answer for the difficulties looked by the business:
What is AgentMile?
AgentMile is the world's initially decentralized business land renting stage fueled by AI. We empower representatives and landowners to list their business properties on our blockchain fueled MLS and offer upgraded renting capacities, administration and detailing.
About Us
AgentMile is advancing congenially to transmute the business arrive industry. We will most likely transform into the world's at first decentralized business arrive leasing stage, fortified by AI. AgentGrow is a land page engenderer that empowers administrators and delegates to make engaging and charming prelude pages and destinations. With the two things, experts can conclusively make promoting and bargains practices intriguing and clear under a singular umbrella.
Current issues looked by the CRE business Archaic and unique innovation Erroneous and unsubstantiated posting information Tedious due tirelessness Full property history not accessible Poor income administration Industry information kept away from plain view Absence of perpetual information for rudimental leadership Static property representation Trouble in Investing abroad
How AgentMile can avail Land CRM and promoting robotization Brilliant property look Forthright due ingenuity Full property history initially Savvy Contracts Computerized personalities of individuals and properties Simple and secure information sharing AI for rudimentary leadership AR/VR walkthroughs Operator UMBRELLA
Business Authentic Estate Vs Residential as a venture decision The land blockchain startup scene is detonating and a substantial number of these incipient companies are orchestrated in view of private land. Be that as it may, high speculator request – both institutional and private – focuses upon business land, making it a to a great degree intriguing and lucrative field for blockchain incipient companies. This is the reason AgentMile considers that venturing into this specialty aperture is an awe-inspiring chance.
It is by and sizably voluminous apperceived that putting resources into CRE has sundry advantages over its private partner:
Advantages of Commercial Authentic Estate
Higher returns and rental yields than private
Rent assertions are typically center or long haul (3 to 10 years)
CRE resource esteem is expanding after some time and appreciates the superb potential for appreciation
Inhabitants frequently take a licitly binding commitment to acquire numerous expenses, for instance, a bulwark
Inhabitant landowner connections are proficient and controlled by the assertion
Difficulties of Residential Authentic Estate
The absence of feasible income and value chance frequently surpassing 100%
Rental understandings have a proclivity to be here and now (6 to a year)
Plenarily showcase subordinate. The property's estimation is directed by the market, not its inborn esteem
Upkeep expenses can expend all accessible wage, if not more
Private rental assertions are harder to implement. The cull of properties is constrained to a neighborhood
Token Sale
The AgentMile 'ESTATE' token is an EIP-20 standard-based Ethereum token.
• Token Name: AgentMile ESTATE Token
• Hard Cap: US $20,000,000
• Token Sale Amount: 100,000,000 Estate Tokens
• Pre-sale: August 1st to August 15th
• Pre-sale Bonus: 50%
• Ticker Name: ESTATE
• Token Price: 1 Token = US $0.20
• Min Token Purchase: 1 Wei (less than US $1)
• Token Sale: August 15th to October 17th
• Token Sale Bonus: 43% -5% each week
Token Distribution


For more information
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Publisher DETAILS
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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