Tuesday, September 18, 2018

CBNT is a decentralized proficient substance sharing network in view of blockchain innovation and a biological community model of DPGC

What is CBNT?
CBNT is a decentralized gifted substance sharing structure in the setting of blockchain change and a trademark framework model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Engendered Content). At the commencement, we will turn around blockchain and capable budgetary theory content. CBNT will make a win-win condition for all individuals, including content/articles providers, content perusers (visual examiner), optically discern distributors, and token holders. In the CBNT gregarious demand, paying little veneration to whether you are content engenderers or substance watchers, the antithesis sides can get tokens "Mining Rewards". As CBNT makes and kineticism fortifies, all the upside of different progressions will correspondingly be appropriated to most of the general population. Advancement in the CBNT society: taking an intrigue is mining;100% advantage exchanging; engineer self-governance emerge; sharpening decentralized self-errand affiliation "accumulate aptitude". All individuals in this prevalent framework can get 100% dissevering rights and reasons for exhilaration, along these lines to achieve a win-win approach to "substance, change, and advancing."
How it will limits?
CBNT remunerates mind-blowing substance makers with more tokens so more individuals commence making emerge and cyclopean substance that will at last guide people to the structure. Steemit has a same scarcely celebrated yet on steam there is no any scarcely incite reimburse top-notch content maker the most. Top notch content makers will influence the monstrous extent of activity that will convey headways veneration. Content makers will commensurably encounter extra purposes of intrigue like paid readings, paid sharing and paid demand and answer sessions. CBNT token notice structure will be conspicuous to all clients to grapple society who are holding the tokes and patrons will be sanctioned to purchase advancements with BTC, ETH and through other advanced financial structures.
CBNT will be worked as a token economy structure that exhaustively consents to the fundamentals of the free market economy; each person who has integrated to others can profit by it financially, ergo managing the join issues looked by the general web content customary systems:
Purposes of exuberance OF CBNT ECOSYSTEM
  1. The heavenly substance will be compensated with more tokens, which earns back the pristine investment with cash cognate preferred standpoint and mirrors the estimation of appearances.
  2. Second, piles of action will instigate astonishing substance and engender publicizing regard.
  3. Content engenderers can visually perceive supplemental points of interest from their particular data through the establishment of paid readings, paid sharing get-togethers and paid Q&As.
  4. The astonishing substance can magnetize more optical canvasser's thought, and watchers can get CBNT tokens by methods for sharing, commenting, and leaning toward et cetera. This makes a positive information hover between content watchers and engenderers.
  1. Content Engenderment
    Content engenderers will be remunerated tokens if perusers like their gainful substance. the higher the substance positions, the more tokens the engenderers will get.
  2. Content Communication
    Watchers can vote on and apportion awe-inspiring articles, and the benefits of these articles will be passed on in perspective of the customer's responsibility weights.
  3. Paid Q&A
    High-regard information squares with the situation in the business world. Sharing vital information to inspectors can bring you more points of interest.
  4. Advancements Monetization
    Transmute the standard advancing model. The marketing expert pays tokens to circulate advancements, and the publicizing charges will be scattered in the perspective of a fan's responsibilities.
As CBNT is a proof of stage organic network, CBNT token holders can acknowledge rights on the stage, akin to wage sharing, supervision, voting et cetera. The total supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be overissued. There are two distinct approaches to get CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to trade from the exchange.
Token Symbol: CBNT
Total Supply: 10 Billion
Token Type: ERC20 Ethereum
Token Distribution

March 2018
CBNT project start-up; preparation for the business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.
Sep. 2018
listing of CBNT Beta version; invite community members to form a beta team and complete a system test.
Oct. 2018
listing CBNT 1.0 version, available for IOS and Android users.
Sep. 2019
Gradually achieve group wisdom decision-making, and establish a self-operated distributed community with ecosystem co-construction, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and in which each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.
For More Information
Website: https://www.cbnt.io/index-en.html
White Book: https://www.cbnt.io/whiteBook1.pdf
Bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4963233
Telegram: https://t.me/cbntofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CbntOfficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbntofficial/
Normal: https://medium.com/@cbntofficial
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@cbntofficial
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/cbntofficial
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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