Sunday, September 9, 2018

ASOBI MARKET uses blockchain technology to provide a protected system to distribute second-hand content.

The cull of Blockchain innovation has raised or fortified the possibility to transmute the current mazuma cognate scene by displaying a biological system which is more productive, secure, straightforward and plausible, wiping out the staggering impact of extensive, cumulated budgetary organizations. The effect of blockchain on the general budgetary area can't be aggrandized, it is conceivably the single most prominent change that has transpired in the 21st century. Asobimo is additionally progressing to establish the rudimentary "Blockchain Game Sodality" with countries like China, Korea, and Taiwan, to push beguilements and preoccupation things manhandle blockchain advancement. we look out for an area unit going to get adscititious ASOBI COIN customers by offering to convey to ASOBIMO preoccupation customers. Our sodality's redirections have prosperously uncountable potent customers around the world. we keep an ocular perceiver out for zone unit dealing with acclimatize the likelihood with the search for and offer delight things at our store.
What is a Platform Asobimo.?
ASOBIMO is that the stage for in-beguilement things inside ASOBI MARKET. Gamers can buy or offer in-beguilement virtual things autonomously or through a redirection distributer. Asobimo conjointly kenned as DApps that offer an orbited optional substance arrange with "Decentralized Security System" (DSS). the blockchain that may offer certain insistence of substance ownership.
With the stage Asobimo, secure redirection thing trade, sensible, and in vogue business put for a broad assortment of stimulations and virtual stock. you furthermore may be set up to buy and offer moved substance, homogeneous to funnies, charm things, and music that you fundamentally wish to present to others.
ASOBIMO and SWITEX Gmbh set up together made Kamarupan Virtual, the phase for in-preoccupation things inside ASOBI MARKET. Gamers should purchase or offer in-preoccupation virtual things autonomously or through a regalement distributer. Secure preoccupation thing exchange
We give an ascertained, sensible, and in vogue business community for an extensive variety of diversions and virtual stock.
The Problem
The advanced substance can now and then be too simple to duplicate. How would we sanction content redistribution that works for clients, makers, and distributors?
Asobimo DApps will furnish a disseminated optional substance stage with "Decentralized Security System" (DSS). the blockchain will give certain substantiation of substance proprietorship.
Computerized content exchange on the disseminated auxiliary market. Another blockchain financial time for the distributor's makers and clients. Asobimo DApps stage will make computerized content on the optional markets a consequential resource for all amassments, and give an anchored exchanging erudition at a nugatory cost and frictionless.
utilizes blockchain innovation to give an ascertained framework to disperse second-hand content. The current computerized content administrations don't offer licenses to clients, which makes it arduous to exchange or when an administration shuts down, the clients lose their substance.
Diversion things

At ASOBI MARKET the client possesses the sanction, which we can ascertain through DRM, Decentralized Security System(DSS).

Token Sale Asobimo Coin Detail
Simbol Token: ABX
Total Supply: 16,500,000,000 ABX
Pre-Sale (Outside Japan): Total Sales 400,000,000 ABX
Wallet: ERC-20
Hard Cap: 5,500,000,000 JPY (approx. 50,000,000 USD)
Soft Cap: 550,000,000 JPY (approx. 5,000,000 USD)
Star Pre-Sale: 10 August
End Pre-Sale: 20 August
Bonus: 20%
Price 1 ETH: 43,000 ABX
Price 1 BTC: 750,000 ABX


For more information contact:
White paper:
Yellow paper:
Bitcointalk username: Timzbrand
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2040852
Ether address: 0xC7Ee1071822E818Be0e55AefD4BD3Ea033192609

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